Source code for victa.key

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Classification Key

    - Module level doc

__all__ = ['build_key', 'Key']

import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

# TODO - decide plotting software and implement it properly, graphviz is a pain to install and uggghhhly
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import pygraphviz.agraph
# try:
#     from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout
# except ImportError:
#     from networkx import graphviz_layout
# # Monkey patch for pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph._which
# from victa.utils import _which
# pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph._which = _which

from .rules import build_rules
from .couplets import Couplet
from .errors import ClassificationError, MultipleMatchesError, ManadatoryFieldError

[docs]class Key(object): """ Classification Key """ def __init__(self, key_df, key_desc, rules_df): """ Build a Classification Key Args: key_df (pandas.DataFrame): see victa.key.build_key key_desc (str): see victa.key.build_key rules_df (pandas.DataFrame): see victa.key.build_rules """ # Make all column headers upper case, as sqlalchemy columns are returned lower, # cx_oracle are upper and csv/excel could be any case rules_df.columns = rules_df.columns.str.upper() key_df.columns = key_df.columns.str.upper() self.ruleset = build_rules(rules_df) self.key = build_key(key_df, key_desc) # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def classify(self, record, id_field=None): """ Classify a record Args: record (pandas.Series): record to be classified record needs to contain all columns (Series axis labels) referred to in the :code:`Rule`. See victa.rules.build_rules id_field (str): column name to use as unique ID field Returns: tuple(pandas.Series, pandas.Dataframe): the output class and a the couplets that were traversed Raises: ClassificationError: When unable to classify a record TODO: - figure out a better way to stop infinite recursion - decide return data model """ visited = [self.key.root] # Make all column headers upper case, as sqlalchemy columns are returned lower, # cx_oracle are upper and csv/excel could be any case record.rename(lambda i: i.upper(), inplace=True) # record will be a pandas Series if id_field: id_field = id_field.upper() # TODO figure out a better way to stop infinite recursion # while True: for i in range(len(self.key.node)*2): matches = [] for in_couplet, out_couplet, rules in self.key.edges(visited[-1].id, data=True): couplet = self.key.node[out_couplet]['couplet'] if self.ruleset.test(rules['ruleset'], record): matches.append((couplet, rules['ruleset'])) if len(matches) == 1: couplet, _ = matches[0] visited += [couplet] if couplet.type == 'class': # TODO decide return data model: # tuple(pandas.Series, pandas.Dataframe), tuple(Couplet, list), etc...? # return couplet, visited result = couplet.to_series() # Series steps = pd.DataFrame(visited) # Dataframe steps = steps.assign(step=steps.index) if id_field: result.loc[id_field] = record[id_field] steps = steps.assign(**{id_field: record[id_field]}) return result, steps else: continue elif len(matches) > 1: rulesets = (cr[1] for cr in matches) raise MultipleMatchesError(record, id_field, visited[-1], rulesets) else: raise ClassificationError(record, id_field, visited)
[docs] def classify_iter(self, records, id_field=None): """ Args: records (pandas.DataFrame): records to be classified records need to contain all columns (DataFrame axis labels) referred to in the :code:`Rule`s see victa.key.build_rules id_field (str): column name to use as unique ID field Yields: tuple(pandas.Series, pandas.Dataframe, pandas.Series): the output class, a list of couplets that were traversed and the input record Notes: Will yield tuple(None, None, pandas.Series) on ClassificationError, MultipleMatchesError """ for idx, record in records.iterrows(): result, steps = None, None try: result, steps = self.classify(record, id_field) except (ClassificationError, MultipleMatchesError): pass yield result, steps, record
# def draw_key(self, root=0): # """ Generate a plot of the Key """ # #TODO - decide plotting software and implement it properly, graphviz is a pain to install and uggghhhly # # pos = graphviz_layout(self.key, prog='dot', root=self.key.node[root]) # nx.draw(self.key, pos, with_labels=True, arrows=True) #
[docs]def build_key(key_df, key_desc): """ Build a NetworkX DiGraph containing couplets (nodes) joined by rules (edges) TODO: key couplet/class data model is nasty and a hangover from the old key_to_key and key_to_mvg model Args: key_df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe containing the key couplets and rules dataframe must have the following column structure: - INPUT_COUPLET = unique integer identifying the parent couplet. - RULES = string containing expression to test. Expression format must be valid python syntax and conform to the following grammar:: [not] rule_id [[and|or][not][rule_id]] :code:`rule_id` is an integer identifying each rule to be tested. Examples:: NNN not NNN NNN or NN NNN or NN or N not (NNN or NN) (NNN or NN) or (N and NNNN) NNN and not NN - OUTPUT_COUPLET = couplet to output if rules expression is True (mutally exclusive with OUTPUT_CLASS) - OUTPUT_CLASS = class to output if rules expression is True (mutally exclusive with OUTPUT_COUPLET) - OUTPUT_NAME = Output couplet/class name - COMMENTS [optional] = Additional comments key_desc: Text description of the Key. Used as the description of the root node Returns: key: nx.DiGraph """ key = nx.DiGraph() key.root = Couplet(0, 'root', key_desc) # Root couplet ID must always be 0 key.add_node(, couplet=key.root) for idx, row in key_df.iterrows(): if pd.isnull(row['INPUT_COUPLET']): raise ManadatoryFieldError('"INPUT_COUPLET" must contain a value') if pd.isnull(row['RULES']): raise ManadatoryFieldError('"RULES" must contain a value') if pd.isnull(row['OUTPUT_CLASS']) and pd.isnull(row['OUTPUT_COUPLET']): raise ManadatoryFieldError('Either "OUTPUT_COUPLET" or "OUTPUT_CLASS" must contain a value') if pd.isnull(row['OUTPUT_NAME']): raise ManadatoryFieldError('"OUTPUT_NAME" must contain a value') if pd.isnull(row['COMMENTS']): row['COMMENTS'] = '' try: in_couplet = int(row['INPUT_COUPLET']) except ValueError: in_couplet = row['INPUT_COUPLET'] if pd.isnull(row['OUTPUT_COUPLET']): # leaf node out_couplet = 'OUTPUT_CLASS' out_type = 'class' else: out_couplet = 'OUTPUT_COUPLET' out_type = 'couplet' try: couplet = Couplet(int(row[out_couplet]), out_type, row['OUTPUT_NAME'], row['COMMENTS']) except ValueError: couplet = Couplet(row[out_couplet], out_type, row['OUTPUT_NAME'], row['COMMENTS']) key.add_node(, couplet=couplet) key.add_edge(in_couplet,, ruleset=str(row['RULES']).strip()) return key