Source code for victa.rules

TODO Docstring
__all__ = ['build_rules', 'Rule', 'RuleSet']

import ast
import pandas as pd
import re
import sre_constants

from .errors import RuleSyntaxError, ManadatoryFieldError
from .utils import isclose

# noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
[docs]class Rule(object): """ Build a callable Rule object. The instantiated Rule will return True or False when called with a record to test against. Args: value (str): text string to look for attribute (str): attribute/column to use when rule is tested operator (str): positive comparison operator: :code:`in`, :code:`=`, :code:`>=`, :code:`>`, :code:`<=`, :code:`<`, :code:`regex` where: regex is a valid regular expression string ( name (str): Rule name comment (str, optional): Additional comments Returns: victa.Rule: """ def __init__(self, value, attribute, operator, name, comment=''): """ Returns: object: """ self.operators = { # Operator synonyms '=': self._equal, '==': self._equal, 'equals': self._equal, 'equal': self._equal, # Required for backwards compatibility 'in': self._in, '>=': self._ge, 'ge': self._ge, '>': self._gt, 'gt': self._gt, '<=': self._le, 'le': self._le, '<': self._lt, 'lt': self._lt, 're': self._re, 'regex': self._re, } self.attribute = str(attribute).strip() self.operator = self.operators[str(operator).strip().lower()] if self.operator == self._re: try: self.value = re.compile(str(value).strip(), re.IGNORECASE) except sre_constants.error as e: raise RuleSyntaxError('Invalid regex syntax "{}": {}'.format(e.pattern, ','.join(e.args))) else: self.value = str(value).strip().upper() # TODO think about/handle case. What about regexes? = str(name).strip() self.comment = str(comment).strip() def _equal(self, value): try: return isclose(float(value), float(self.value)) except ValueError: return value == self.value def _in(self, value): return self.value in value def _re(self, value): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return True if else False def _ge(self, value): try: return float(value) >= float(self.value) except ValueError: return value >= self.value def _gt(self, value): try: return float(value) > float(self.value) except ValueError: return value > self.value def _le(self, value): try: return float(value) <= float(self.value) except ValueError: return value <= self.value def _lt(self, value): try: return float(value) < float(self.value) except ValueError: return value < self.value def __call__(self, record): """ Test a rule against a record Args: record: Returns: Bool: """ value = str(getattr(record, self.attribute)).strip().upper() return self.operator(value)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs]class RuleSet(dict):
[docs] def test(self, expr, record): """ Test a ruleset expression against a record Args: expr (str): string expression to be evaluated record (pandas.Series): record to test against expression Returns: Bool: """ return eval(self._parse(expr), {}, {'self': self, 'record': record})
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def _parse(self, expr): """ Black magic happens here... :) What this does is turn a string expression like :code:`not (123 or 456)` into a compiled code object ready for evaluation, such as :code:`not (ruleset[123](record) or ruleset[456](record))` We do this by assuming each integer is a rule ID and altering the expression using an ast.NodeTransformer to convert each integer node to a callable function Args: expr (str): string expression to be evaluated Returns: code (object): """ transformer = RuleSetTransformer() expr = str(expr).strip() # str(expr) to handle pandas parsing '321' as int # .strip() to handle '" blah" is not valid python syntax, unexpected indent' try: ast_expr = ast.parse(expr, mode='eval') ast_expr = transformer.visit(ast_expr) # this automagically invokes RuleSetTransformer.visit_Num ast.fix_missing_locations(ast_expr) return compile(ast_expr, '', 'eval') except SyntaxError as err: raise RuleSyntaxError('The ruleset expression "{}" is not valid python syntax, {}'.format(expr, err.msg))
class RuleSetTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer): # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def visit_Num(self, node): """ This function gets called by the transformer for each distinct numeric node (i.e 123). It will not get called for a alphanumeric node (i.e. abc123) Args: node (ast.node): Returns: node (ast.node): """ # TODO this is hard to debug, is there a better way? value = ast.Name(id='self', ctx=ast.Load()) slice = ast.Index(value=node) func = ast.Subscript(value=value, slice=slice, ctx=ast.Load()) call = ast.Call(func=func, args=[ast.Name(id='record', ctx=ast.Load())], keywords=[]) return call
[docs]def build_rules(rules_df): """ Build a RuleSet of Rule objects from a Pandas DataFrame containing the rule definitions Args: rules_df (pandas.DataFrame): dataframe containing the rules The dataframe must have the following column structure: - ID = unique integer identifying the rule - ATTRIBUTE = attribute/column to use when rule is tested (i.e. in the record to be classified by the key) - OPERATOR = positive comparison operator: :code:`in`, :code:`=`, :code:`>=`, :code:`>`, :code:`<=`, :code:`<`, :code:`regex` where: regex is a valid [regular expression]( - VALUE = text string to look for in ATTRIBUTE. - NAME = Rule name - COMMENTS [optional] = Additional comments Returns: ruleset: victa.RuleSet Note: - Order for ordinal comparisons is ATTRIBUTE operator VALUE, i.e ATTRIBUTE >= 5.0 """ ruleset = RuleSet() for idx, row in rules_df.iterrows(): # Ensure mandatory fields are not empty mandatory = ['ID', 'ATTRIBUTE', 'OPERATOR', 'VALUE', 'NAME'] test = row.loc[mandatory] if test.isnull().any(): fields = ', '.join(['"{}"'.format(m) for m in mandatory]) values = test.to_dict() raise ManadatoryFieldError('All of {} must contain a value: {}'.format(fields, values)) rule_id = int(row['ID']) comment = '' if pd.isnull(row['COMMENTS']) else row['COMMENTS'] rule = Rule(value=row['VALUE'], attribute=row['ATTRIBUTE'], operator=row['OPERATOR'], name=row['NAME'], comment=comment) ruleset[rule_id] = rule return ruleset